Dogmatic Questions

This blog is dedicated to posing and (I hope) answering theological questions that arise in connection with Christianity. I read all comments, so don't hesitate to post a comment even if the post is years old: these are long-term interests of mine! I don't post every day, I'm afraid, so I suggest that, if you are interested, you go to and put the name of this blog in it, so that you will be e-mailed when there is a new post or comment.

Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guilt and Grace

Should we feel guilty when we sin? Should we still feel guilty after repenting? Should we still feel guilty in the next life for what we have done in this life? If Jesus has taken all our guilt on the cross then it would seem as if we should never feel guilty. On the other hand if Jesus has taken only our 'actual guilt' but not our 'potential guilt' then why shouldn't we feel guilty even in the next life (or will even our potential guilt be removed there?)?


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