Dogmatic Questions

This blog is dedicated to posing and (I hope) answering theological questions that arise in connection with Christianity. I read all comments, so don't hesitate to post a comment even if the post is years old: these are long-term interests of mine! I don't post every day, I'm afraid, so I suggest that, if you are interested, you go to and put the name of this blog in it, so that you will be e-mailed when there is a new post or comment.

Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Women and Politics

We all know that there is currently a great debate over whether women should be allowed to become bishops (in the Church of England) or ministers (other denominations). But there is an interesting history of protest against women playing a role in public society. Harper's Magazine in 1893 said:
This unblushing female socialism defies alike the apostles and prophets. Nothing could be more antibiblical than letting women vote.
It's well known that John Knox wrote a tract with the title:
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.

Does anybody know whether there were complaints in England against giving women the vote and allowing women to become MPs etc? I don't recall any complaints that Mrs Thatcher's rise to be Prime Minister was unbiblical; in fact, most of the people I know that disagree with women's being pastors voted for her (if they were of age).

Were there criticisms against Queen Elizabeth I on a similar basis?

If you know please post a comment.


Blogger Timothy Davis said...

Funny that some who don't agree with women preachers and elders don't mind having a woman prime minister. They would argue that the following verses only applies to ecclesiastical roles because of the context:

"And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve." (1 Tim. 2:12,13)

But was Paul really thinking of Adam as a preacher or pastor, with Eve as the congregation?

6:21 pm  

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