Dogmatic Questions

This blog is dedicated to posing and (I hope) answering theological questions that arise in connection with Christianity. I read all comments, so don't hesitate to post a comment even if the post is years old: these are long-term interests of mine! I don't post every day, I'm afraid, so I suggest that, if you are interested, you go to and put the name of this blog in it, so that you will be e-mailed when there is a new post or comment.

Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Traducianism vs Creationism

Here is another debate that baffles me, that between traducianism and creationism. Creationism is not here the doctrine that God created the world in 6 literal 24-hour days, but the view that God creates every human soul directly. Traducianism is the view that reproduction involves not just the creation of the bodies of infants, but also the creation of the souls.

Can anybody out there cast any light on this debate? There is an article on traducianism here. You can read Turretin's defence of creationism here.


Blogger Ken Hamrick said...

I've just written a refutation of Turretin's defense, here:

2:16 am  
Blogger Orthodoxy and the 21st Century said...

Ultimately, the debate is meaningless. We could not know the answer for certain. Since a massive number of zygot/foetises are spontaneously aborted, it would make little sense to advocate traducianism if one believes that God is involved in any way in the appearance of the soul in the foetus. The notion that the zygot is a "person" from the moment of impregnation is also highly questionable for the same reason.

3:39 pm  

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